Thursday, October 11, 2012

Twilight/ Family Secrets Series/ Book Signings

I love attending book signings/ Expos. There are so many reasons however the first and I admit it’s fun. Even though I sit/ stand there for at least 8 hours and that might sound boring but meeting others face to face and hearing what they think of my books really helps. If someone can give me real criticism and explain why they felt a certain way about my story or writing style it helps me improve. I write stories that I have fallen in love with, stories that won’t leave my mind. 

An example of a person who asked me about my book. She was referring to Family Secrets, Secrets of The Night. She wanted to know why the McAllister family were vampires. She felt the book could have gone either way since they seemed so normal other than the fact they had stayed to themselves.

My answer had been this, I am addicted to vampires. Ever since I read Anne Rice’s books I absolutely loved them. When Stephanie Myers Twilight book series came out, I loved the fact they were not the typical vampires, it offered a different perspective blending them into the world around them which I loved. At this time I had been writing my 7th book in the Family Secrets series. There are only 8 books in the series. 

Second question had been about the artwork of my two books. One women wondered why I had a moon on the back cover of the first and then on the front of the second book. As minor of a question this was its still important to me because it came from a reader.

I love night the night time and the moon reflects quite a bit from the stories themselves. Each book will have a moon somewhere in the artwork whether it is the cover or the back. 

You never know who you will meet while you're on book signings and my favorite to meet, are the younger ones. They are always full of questions or comments.

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