Thursday, October 11, 2012

Characters in my books

I've been addicted to the characters in my book for a long time, not just addicted but truly obsessed. after losing my writing so many times and having to re-write it, I've developed or rather gotten to know my characters better. I have to admit the more I wrote about them I didn't want to stop, it was almost as if I was visiting them. The story originated during one of my dreams that I kept having and then finally it lasted an entire month when I decided to start writing it.

My favorite character even though I love them all has to be Nichole's daughter Rose. There are three reasons she wound up with her name. First, my daughter was my inspiration for her. She was incredibly sweet, full of energy, accepting of others, loving and most important, curious about life. I loved these aspects of my daughter and patterned Rose after her.

Most of my characters I had simply created in my mind however few of the later ones were inspired by others around me. One of my evil characters I defined a bit more later on because of a person I had met.

I've found while I'm writing one story I'll open a pad and write down ideas for another book. Most of them I'll write down the general idea, situations that happen, reason for the story generally how I want it to end. When I get back to it later I've found many of the situations change as I write it or the ending isn't what I originally planned. I love being influenced by places I visit or music that usually puts me in certain moods. I'm always writing with music playing in the background, especially if I want to be in a certain mind set I've found music helps me. Many times I'll have more then one story going at the same time. There are times I've found I'm just not in the mood to write about a story so instead of forcing it I'll write in a different one. Later I'll go back to the other ones when I am in the mood. I find I do so much better when I don't force myself, take my time and write what I'm in the mood for.

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