Thursday, October 18, 2012

Author of vampires and the supernatural

I have always been fascinated by vampires. The possibilities of what their lives could be like, what they’ve dealt with. Vampire hunters, witch hunts, clans, decades of change through social, economic, personal and disease. Heart ache, vicious killers of their own kind. The possibilities are endless.

I get addicted to my characters and followed them through the centuries, Family Secrets series does this as the world changed around them, even the midnight madam and how she affected the family she hunted.

In the book Mortal, Emma is growing up pretty average, everything seems fine around her until she starts feeling Ill, it’s when she finds out not everything is the way it looks from the outside. Finding out the truth was rather stressful and an exciting adventure. Finding out age old secrets of her family as well as a well charged one of her own.

Links to my three books published by Center One Publishing www.centeronepublishing or

Family Secrets is a series of 8 books, the second in the group is available for pre-order $9.95 and comes out November 13, 2012

Check out the book trailers to my Three books.

Family Secrets: Secrets of the Night
Amazon, select B&N, B.O.M bookstores,

Family Secrets: Obscured Darkness
 Pre-order only on

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Avoid painful dieting and keep positive thinking

Painful dieting, I think the name says it all. It’s how I feel when I think of dieting. Many of us either need to maintain, lose or gain weight. Either way when you start limiting or counting everything you eat or drink it kills the enjoyment that you once had from food. At least it does for me. It’s why I don’t believe in dieting. I will be the first to admit I need to lose weight. All three of my pregnancies I have gained 85 pds. After my second pregnancy I had lost most of it and then I was stuck for a long time at that weight. Then with my third pregnancy I wound up gaining another 85. I wasn’t shocked since it’s happened before. I’ve eaten a well-balanced meal, walked, basically kept active and of course towards the end I had been so sick I stayed in bed for most of it. I’m not one of the fortunate ones who give birth and a few months later look as if they were never pregnant.
Just for now I’m going to discuss weight loss.

I’ve been the tiny size 3 and I’ve also been a size 24 which so far has been my largest. No matter how you gained the weight, either from emotional eating, pregnancy, injury or the other millions of reasons out there. The most important thing is to feel good about yourself. It’s hard to lose weight when you either hate or can’t stand to look at yourself. 

No I’m not telling you to stand in front of a mirror every morning telling yourself how wonderful you are, even though it has clinically worked for some. Personally I think about who I am, what I’ve accomplished and the wonderful little person that is now in my life because of it. I don’t allow myself to get negative about it. Unfortunately it’s taken me years to finally care about how I feel and not what others think or say about me and my weight.

I grew up thinking and being told that after pregnancy I would lose the baby weight right away. What they didn’t tell me is that I might not lose any of it. Even though I might lose the 6pds my baby weighed and a little bit of the fluid, sadly I still weighed the exact same weight the last time I weighed in before giving birth. A year later and I had only lost 10 pds total.

In the past when I was in my 20’s I tried several diets, which is why I have come to hate them so much. I’ve tried Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Atkins Diet, Lean Cuisine, Nutrisystem, grapefruit diet, Hollywood diet, Zone diet, vegetarian and many others. Even though these may work for some it doesn’t work for everyone. Personally for myself I stayed the same weight except on the Atkins diet where I gained weight. Personally I loved being vegetarian. I hated cooking meat and I love veggies and fruit. Especially frozen fruit!

It was getting to the point I was no longer enjoying food anymore. I had never used food as an emotional response. I just loved the taste of it. I always used proportion correctly; I never wanted to over eat even though I will admit when I have cheese pizza I do have 5 slices.

Finally when I was told by a couple of people I would look so much more attractive if I lost weight, a sad point, I was even told this when I was 17 and a size 3. I was told men would like me more. If they only liked me because I looked like a skinny toothpick or gave them some sick thrill, I didn’t want them. Why did everyone have to fixate on my weight so much, even so called friends? I wanted to get to know the people and not how much weight they were. Unfortunately we live in a society that has gotten out of hand. If you’re not between this small gauge of weight then they consider you obese even you’re your only 5pds over. Yes I’ve actually been told by a doctor when I was 140 that I was obese. I happened to be a size 8. 

Apparently the government feels the need to tell me what my children can and cannot eat in school, some even banning packed lunches. Others try to ban how many fast food places that can be in a given area or not allow them to build in other areas at all. 

Banning large soft drinks is such a joke, if you want to drink a large soft drink instead of a small size, then most likely they will just eat inside, more often than not, get a snack on the way out after eating and refill their “small” cup several times. If portion or choices are a problem then people need to learn how to do these themselves instead of having someone else police them. Otherwise they will simply lack the ability to do this at all. If a person has the will power to save money, plan and achieve goals, choose to buy a house or live in an apartment, to have children or go to college. Then they are certainly intelligent enough to decide what is healthy for them, what will or won’t and how much will go in their mouth. Being overweight doesn’t always come from over eating. Sadly ones who have weight issues caused by medications, injuries and a slow metabolism are counted in the outrageous obese numbers lumping them all together. Not all people who are overweight are unhealthy. If they are capable of getting around unassisted, and live just as naturally as anyone else, then they should be left alone.

These restrictions are not just affecting those who are overweight but those who manage and maintain their weight just fine.

So if you’re looking for the “perfect diet” there isn’t one. Find what works for you. Personally I find as long as I stay active, either going places, walking or playing with my kids and eat a balanced meal, and yes I do take vitamins. Personally I take a vitamin B complex every day and for me I’ve found I have extra energy. Vitamin B helps the body break down proteins and also helps the nervous system. I used to be a severe insomniac but since taking B vitamins I’ve slept much better. The problem isn’t gone but it has improved. If it was gone I wouldn’t be here typing right now at 2:41am in the morning. 

I’ve started losing weight finally after 14 months and eventually I’ll find my plateau and I’ll have to work a little harder to get that extra weight off but I won’t tear myself up over it. Experiment and find what works for you. Keep track on paper or on the computer, however things work for you and give it a few weeks to kick in. But above all, don’t let others criticisms of your body get to you. Don’t be your worst enemy, be your best friend. Be determined to be positive, the longer you are the more your body and mind will thank you!

I tend to ramble on, if you've read this far, thank you!!