Sunday, January 6, 2013

What to write in a dedication

This can either be an easy one or a difficult one for some. However I have to say this is not the time to get petty or revenge. This is your passion, your legacy, your work of art. A dedication is something to thank those who were either positive or helped you in some way to either write, make your dream come true or simply encourage you to work on your dream.

I admit it is tempting to tell someone who wronged you or possibly said the worst thing that might have mentally scared you for life to bit your fuzzy little ass, look at what you accomplished. But that doesn’t make you look good, it only helps you feel better for a second. Personally not mentioning those who had no faith in me or thought the worst of me was revenge enough. They were not worth my time or stress level to bother with.

I might not be able to thank everyone who deserves it or simply made an impact on my life but I do make sure those who are in my dedications truly are meant to be there.
A dedication in a way a reflection of you, something or someone, a point in time that means something to you. I always read the dedication pages from authors. Some are simply thanking family, friends or a family pet. Others are more detailed where they started or simply thanking a computer virus for losing their work so they had to find tune it more which is what I have done.

Either way, whatever you decide to write as your dedication. Take your time and think about what you want to have written and why. Short and sweet is always best and try to stay away from the long two page dedications otherwise sometimes these will be written up as an author’s note more than a dedication.

I wish you the best with your writing and future dedication and remember, enjoy the journey of being a writer.