Saturday, October 13, 2012

Problem neighbors

Ever have one of those neighbors who decides to constantly gun their noisy vehicle at 2-4am and then go flooring it down and around your neighborhood block at 60 testing it out to see if it works? 

Mine are like that sadly. I've tried hard not to create more problems fighting with them. I've seen some pretty nasty wars break out between neighbors and sadly sometimes its easier just to stay away from them. But I had to say something. I usually over look quite a bit especially loud music. 

I'm sure at some point I've made some noise even though I have to admit I'm a great neighbor to have. I'm generally quiet, yard is always clean and I take care of my home.I would say I wish they would move but then I could get something worse and I've had that in the past when I used to live in an apartment. the best way I deal with stressful neighbors is to rant online to get it off my chest, I usually feel better. Sadly they picked a time to fix their vehicle when I'm usually asleep :^(

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