I’ve always had a lot of respect for Robin Williams
and Elvis Presley. Both were amazing men that had problems of their own however
they were always compassionate about others and helping them.
Robin Williams made sure when he was doing a project
that there was a certain number of homeless people hired and have them work.
Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg and Robin Williams raised $50 million in 1986 to
help fund various programs to help the homeless.
Elvis Presley gave away money to his alma mater, Humes
high school, Memphis charities, supported march of dimes, St Judes and donated
toys to under privileged children.
It’s nice to see individuals who are in the position
to help do so. However we see many who do not have the means to give that give
tremendously because they know what it’s like to go without.
There are so many people that I admire for helping
others and not because they had to or were forced to but because they genuinely
wanted to. When I give I honestly don’t like them to know I have. It might just
be me but I feel strange when I give someone cash or a gift. I don’t want them
to feel I have something to lord over them or for them to feel bad because they
needed it and accepted it.
This is the reason I love random acts of kindness
and it can be great to something incredibly small. I’ve found myself being late
for things because I saw someone who simply needed someone to talk to and have
them listen. I saw a family who was looking for gas money and searching in the
seat of their car desperately looking for enough to pay for some gas to get
home. I saw their youngest waiting outside of the car so I handed him a $20 to
pay towards their gas. I hadn’t stayed around to be thanked but knowing they
needed it was enough. I’ve left envelopes with cash in cars, recently a
gentleman joked with me about needing a humidifier. I found what car he was
driving and yes I admit to stalking for a little bit. He stopped at another
store so while he was inside I bought a humidifier and left it in his car. When
I saw a mother sharing an ice-cream cone with her daughter because it’s what
she could afford. The little girl made the comment maybe next time they can
split a happy meal. I bought a gift card and had the employee give them the
card with a receipt to let them know how much was on it.
I like seeing people
be happy. When I was younger and working I didn’t have bills and I always
wanted to help out because I didn’t know if I would be in a position to do it
later when I was older. I thank my parents for teaching me this outlook on
life. Be careful not to be taken advantage of those who are simply using others
for free things but to help those who truly need it. If you’re not able to help
out financially then find ways of helping in other ways. I did a lot of free
babysitting, I still do at times.
I know my actions speak louder than words and this
rubs off on my children, they learn by what I do and not just by what I say so
I want to set the right example. Simply showing someone respect, holding a door
for someone or helping someone pick up something when they drop things. You never
know what has happened in that person’s life or how you will affect them.
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