Joss Whedon is a pretty impressive person for writing so many strong female roles. Personally I grew up watching Buffy the Vampire slayer which first turned me onto the fighter aspect that a girl can be perfectly fine taking care of herself. Then of course I became fascinated with vampires and that led me to my second fascination the amazing female writer Anne Rice and her vampire chronicles.
Joss Whedon had a way of not only creating the perfect mindset and addictive strong female characters but also the personal flaws in the character that are actually relateable and realistic for them.

I love the male characters he creates also. Many seem to only give power to one gender however he has proven both can be strong mentally and physically while carrying a lead role without canceling out the other. He makes it work as a partnership and this is only one of the amazing things that makes him a great writer!
Joss Whedon is best known for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Avengers, Angel, Toy Story, Much ado about nothing, The Cabin in the woods, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and so many more!
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