If you have been following my Facebook page you'll notice that I have been posting very random posts. They happen to be posts that I am very interested in from archaeology, Astronomy and music. As a writer I find inspiration from all fields of life and many I wonder why haven't I tried writing something in this area? I love the genre 'paranormal' since there are so many possibilities. Even though much of my writing is considered paranormal romance I like to include real historical facts either of the time period, how the world may be during that time or even genres of music that the characters enjoy listening to. I could talk about my books however for me as much that I love the books I get bored and need variety. I promise as anything new develops I will inform everyone of them.
When I write I always have music playing and I do tend to watch movies or shows that I enjoy. I am always inspired by other creative artists especially when I have a mood I'm trying to stay in while I write I want either a fast or slow tempo playing or a happy or sad movie playing in the background. My favorite had been Doctor Who however I've been watching other shows lately. Right now I'm currently listening to music https://youtu.be/O3VPs9b_HZE which is Zendaya singing Neverland.
One of the many things that are important to me is plagiarism and it is something that sadly happens but can be avoided. I've seen where writers like a certain phrase or lyric in a song so they either have their character write it or include in some sort of phrasing. This is still a form of plagiarism unless you have permission to replicate this phrase or lyric in your book from the artist or anyone else that has intellectual ownership of the words. As I've always felt that if your a writer and creative enough to write a story you should be able to write your own words of love or other reasons you would want those lyrics in your story. Many include their favorite book titles or authors, singers in their works and this is fine as long as your character is not that person representing them then again its in that area you need permission. I won't keep going on about plagiarism since I could write a twenty page article on this. Main point is that I respect other artists and their creative works and against illegal downloading of their works.
The best advice I heard when I was little and starting to write for fun was to "write what you know." I was exposed to so much more then some might have been at my age. I remembered hearing adults talking about how the infrastructure of gangs worked. That they treated each other like family, what hazing was and what was done. I was given a pretty good lesson on these even though it was not directed towards me, I heard the adults talking about it and I felt I knew enough to write a story about it. So I did. I created two people who grew up in a gang like family. I actually learned this in church. If I have personal experiences or interests I feel it helps develop the characters more and help make them relate-able.
I like to feel as though my life has meaning and for me personally I love helping others. When I worked at the Lighthouse Rehabilitation center I felt that I was doing that. I assisted people with their rehabilitation, daily care and socialized with each one getting to know their personalities, what they liked or did not like, the positive along with a few scary moments. I never regretted working there even though I do private home care now and work independently. Everything I do I think about how it would be written out in a book. I love writing so much that every aspect in life gets me to think how it would be written out. How would your own life be written if it were in a book? Only you would know that and those are only a few things I think of.